Saturday, November 27, 2004

How Best to Create Change?

I don't know how many of you are MoveOn supporters, but I thought it was interesting that in the most recent message I rec'd about future MoveOn strategies they said:

We also asked you to think about the top strategies MoveOn should pursue going forward. On the top of the list was a desire to more clearly articulate commonly held values -- our progressive vision for a free and just America that is once again a model of peace, liberty, and prosperity to the rest of the world (9243 votes). But that wasn't all -- you also felt we should build the political force we're creating together by organizing local precinct networks (5558 votes) and run progressives for Congress (3629 votes).

Given the lack of engagement by the Democratic party in the post election events, I'm beginning to think we might do more good working outside the party than within.

What about you?

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Letter From Cleveland

Letter from a woman in Cleveland re election results

"It would be difficult to fully communicate my
disappointment in a simple email. On the other hand,
slipping out into the hall and drowning myself in the mop
bucket would mean that someone else would have to feed my

Kerry has not yet conceded defeat, but I have. Even if
someone finds that crate full of votes for Kerry bobbing
down the Cuyahoga River, the American people have spoken,
and they have sent the world a message: "We're barely
bright enough to chew our own food."

Incompetence, incoherence, inarticulateness, pettiness and
random savagery apparently do not deter the majority of
Americans. The thing that really, REALLY matters to
Americans? Homos. And foreigners. Both must be stopped at
any cost.

Americans voted overwhelmingly in favor of bigotry,
amending state constitutions around the country to prevent
same-sex couples from having any rights beyond the right to
live on the margins of society. We clearly have far more to
fear from The International Homosexual Conspiracy(tm) than
we do from North Korea and the collapse of the American
health care system.

Apparently, we are truly a nation of slackjawed yokels,
awed only by grotesque displays of wealth and violence,
reverent only of the bossman and beholden not even to our
children, since we seem content to mortgage their future in
favor of a $300 tax refund that we have traded for decent
jobs, healthcare, and a just society.

We make pious noises about worshipping a Just and Merciful
God, while doling out destruction and horror upon the
innocent, pausing only to pat ourselves on the back for
waging a "just" war to rid the world of tyrants that
audaciously aspire to exist after they lose their utility
to us in endless low-level conflicts to control the world's
oil supply.

We seem to have become cheap, venal, vulgar and petty while
we apparently don't have the ability to reason our way out
of the dilemma of taking care of the sick, watching out for
the elderly, and teaching our children not to be credulous,
callow dupes.

To my friends from the UK, France and anyone to whom they
choose to forward this, I feel that I owe you an apology.
It is as if I have brought an orangutan to high tea. While
he flings shit at you and tries to snatch pastries from
your plate, I am left wondering how I might make it up to

The world's richest and most powerful nation seems to have
lost its moral compass. We have lost interest in leading by
example in favor of taking by force. I would like to say
that I believe that one day in the future America might
regain its senses. Unfortunately, I am not terribly
optimistic. The best I can offer you is to remind you that
Nixon also won a second term".

Thursday, November 11, 2004

First order of business: Ohio Recount

This is the first of many, I hope, messages to be posted here. The first topic I'd like to start concerns the current movement to recount Ohio. The Black Box Voting website must be getting hammered with traffic and is hard to access today.

What you can do now is donate. If this is going to happen, we the people have to fund it. While I'm dismayed at the silence from the Dems at the national level, I'll worry about that later. This is not a time to form a circular firing squad. This is a time to check our egos at the door and pitch in to help.

I can only hope the silence of the DNC and Kerry/Edwards campaing is a calculated tactic to make this movement not only appear to be, but really be a grassroots/will of the people, movement to save what's left of our democracy.

Donate at: Help America Count

Welcome to the blogosphere!

What Can you Do??

[Here's what we can do instead of just reading about it, make a better history by helping change it!]

This document was (hastily) made by Mrs. Kelly Jacobs, (a DEAN Democrat)and is as accurate as possible in relation to contact numbers and web addresses. I have faxed letters to everyone on this list plus my Federal Representatives. The decision to donate to any group is the readers. Please e-mail me with any additional suggestions for this page.

Suggestions for What can we do about this election!

1. Sign this petition: Petition OnLine

2. Write to your Congresspeople: Contact your Government Official. Few Demopcrats have been hollering, get them going!! An easy way to write a letter to your government officials is on this web site: Write Your Representatives


3. FAX Ralph Nader, 202-265-0092, and tell him to file for recounts and reexaminations of the tally in the states in which he was on the ballot. The Green Party wants to ask for a recount, but they have to raise the funds They have to pay $113,600 for the recount -- that's $10 per precinct. You can join me and mail a check to:

Green Party of Ohio,
P.O. box 754
New Albany, OH 43054

OR pay by PayPal. Paypal is fast and easy, allows them to get the money immediately, and allows you to use your credit card if you want make the donation through PayPal to their treasurer at this e-mail address: Treasurer Ohio Greens

4. Write to John Conyers (D - Mich), Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee on the Constitution, who has requested a Congressional Hearing on the 2004 election. Tell him you support the request and that you want him to push for the hearing to be held as soon as possible. Contact Information for John Conyers:

* Washington DC E-Mail Address: eMail: eMail John Conyers

* Washington DC Web Address: Conyers Site

* Washington DC Web Mail Address: Conyers Web Mail

* Washington DC Web Mail Address: DC Mail Address

I prefer FAXING as it gets a hard copy letter into their hands:

2426 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5126
(202) 225-0072 Fax

DCC Building, Suite 257
15100 Northline Road
Southgate, MI 48195 (734) 285-5624
(734) 285-5943 Fax

669 Federal Building
231 W. Lafayette
Detroit, MI 48226
(313) 961-5670
(313) 226-2085 Fax

5. Some sites with vote fraud info
Help America Count
Stolen Election
Americans For America
What Really Happened?
Citizens For Legitimate Government
Voters Unite
Open Voting Consortium

Here's a clearinghouse site for the voting irregularities that have been documented nationwide: League of PissedOff Voters Election Incident Reporting System

Discrepancies please, and hurry. E-mail them to Pass the word. please shoot an email to Blackbox Voting Crew to sign up. Need source documents, too. ASAP. Follow your nose, or join the Black Box Scavenger Hunt: Pick a county. Look at small counties, as we are seeing many discrepancies in those. Look in any state. Get the official number of registered voters, Dem and Republican. Get the number of votes cast on Nov. 2, Republican and Dem. Make a grid like this,filling in the right numbers:

# reg. voters % # votes cast %
Rep 100 33% 150 50%
Dem 200 67% 150 50%
Total 300 100% 300 100%

4. Please also contribute to a little $$ to any or all of these support groups you think are deserving, who are listed randomly: Please support the work Black Box Voting: Black Box Voting - which is a group uncovering hard evidence of fraud of the paperless electronic voting machines--with donations and/or volunteer work--they need to raise $50,000 to file freedom of info act requests for as quickly as possible to pay for records and the fees some states charge for them. If you can't donate funds , please donate time.

Vote Watch: VoteWatch

They need $250,000 to do a professional statistical analysis of the election,which can be used as hard evidence. If you decide to move forward with a tax-deductible contribution, please make your check payable to Votewatch (ID# 94-3255070) and send it to:

Vote Watch
c/o: The San Francisco Foundation Community Initiative Foundation (SFFCIF)
Attn: David Barlow,
225 Bush Street Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94104

Smaller donations can be made online through the website: VoteWatch

Donations to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has been instrumental in all litigation across the country relating to e-voting (electronic voting): Electronic Frontier Foundation

You might send donations to Verified Voting: Verified Voting and Voters Unite: Voters Unite and Ballot Integrity: Balloting Integrity

6. Contact TrueMajority: True Majority
and MoveOn: and CommonCause: Common Cause and tell them to help pursue a post-election challenge to the vote tallies. Donate money to these organizations.

7. CONTACT THE PRESS!! The AP network is reporting contradictory stories about a "mandate? Because Bush won so big vs election fraud: Read AP Story

Associated Press
(202) 776-9400
DC Bureau Chief Sandy Johnson

write and tell them not to be contradictory. Other press can be contact at: Parents Television Counsel on this page you will find contact numbers for all the networks. This web site let's you send 5 letters to your local press at one time, so copy and paste, then repeat! govertmentguide

8. Write to George Soros and ask him to help fund litigation in Ohio and Florida to challenge the vote tallies.

c/o Open Society Institute--New York
888 7th Avenue New York, N.Y. 10106

Telephone: +1-212-757-2323 Fax: +1-212-974-0367
E-mail: eMail George Soros

9. Contact Kerry's Brother's Law office. When I called they put me through to someone who asked for my state: they are adding them up!

Contact Kerry at:
(202) 224-2742 -Phone
(202) 224-8525 - Fax

and urge him to unconcede and do a recount in Ohio (and perhaps elsewhere) If you have witnessed or experienced disenfranchisement you can contact his brother's law office--they are collecting this information which will be vital in considering unconceding at:eMail Cam Kerry

(Don't just email articles or they will be inundated with emails. They already know about the articles.) From cam Kerry."If you have specific factual information about voting problems that could be helpful to the lawyers doing their job, please send it to"

10. ACLU Continues the Fight for Voting Rights The ACLU monitored polls nationally and is responding to incidents of voter intimidation, vote suppression or election foul-ups, including in Minnesota, Ohio,Rhode Island and Virginia, and in Florida. Voters with complaints are encouraged to call our toll-free voter hotline


11. Election Laws with the FEC The FEC help line is actually staffed with incredibly helpful and sympathetic personnel who might give you information about how to combat this election (fraud) . If you ever have a question about these areas, one of your first calls should be to them:

800-424-9530 - Phone
Federal Election Commission - Website

12. League of Women Voters Ask the League to demand an accounting of this election- as a FAIR election. League of Women's Voters


13. HAVE A HOUSE PARTY: Show the film "Votergate" (the real one, which you can download for free at: VoterGate

14. Write to the DNC and ask why Senator Kerry capitulated so quickly YOU KNOW THEY MUST HAVE SUPPORTED THIS TRAVESTY! - before the information on the vote tallies was even beginning to come in. Tell them that Senator Kerry needs to take back his concession.

Democratic National Committee
430 South Capitol St SE
Washington, DC 20003.

202-863-8000 - Phone - Website

Amanda LaForge is the Legal Council. 202-479-5128 is the telephone number for John Munger who is gathering evidence fax your evidence to him please (not newspaper
articles) 202-479-5179 is his fax.

15. Contact the Kerry campaign and tell them that he has done a great disservice to the American people by capitulating so quickly - before information could be gathered. Tell him to reconsider in light of all that is coming to the surface.

Contact National Headquarters
Kerry-Edwards 2004, Inc.
P.O. Box 34640 Washington, DC 20043

202-712-3000 (TEL)
202-712-3001 (fax)
202-336-6950 (TTY)

16. If you would like to leave a message for Elizabeth Edwards who as recently been diagnosed with breast cancer (wife of Sen. John dwards) please go to: Prayers for Elizabeth Edwards

Messages ill be approved in cycles.

17. Wear a Diebold Thief Button - Buttonzup

18. There is a large movement to require the Congress to Impeach ush. (Fire him...) If you want to become one of the nearly 500,000 of s who have already voted to impeach Bush you can do this at: Vote To Impeach

19. Please send a note supporting Gov. Dean to Chair the DNC. Go directly to the DNC using this link. Just type your pro-Dean comments as an answer to question # 7: Feedback